The hardest rock can be split and shattered.
Arrogance leads to failure and defeat.

A lowly pool can reflect the highest peak.
Modesty accompanies true greatness.

The split can be sharpened; the shattered, shaped;
the flawed, cut sound; the rough, polished.

A cool breeze can fan warm flames.
Moderation sustains passion.

To regain integrity:
Keep good company!



This piece aims to portray the contrast between 'unbalanced' or 'one-sided' and 'balanced' or 'reciprocal' conditions and actions.

So for example, thriftiness lacking a sufficient balance of generosity can become mean or miserly;
conversely, generosity lacking in thrift can become recklessly profligate or extravagant.

It also illustrates Taoism's readiness to perceive and promote 'redeeming features' or 'saving graces';
and to turn a confused or dysfunctional situation into one of greater clarity and harmony.