Tao is so simple!
There is nothing to it!
Yet everything within it.

The teacher learns from the pupil's mistakes.
The pupil learns from the teacher's mistakes.
Practice learning from blundering.

The wise learn from the stupidity of fools.

The foolish learn from the foolishness of the wise.

The sage is a fool, twice over.

A simpleton?
A wiseacre!



Simplicity is not necessarily simple to comprehend, nor to implement. Tao is full of it, yet often seems empty!
Skilful use of a simple or 'common-sense' approach can slice through complex issues - like cutting a Gordian knot.

Tao cannot be pressured, bribed, tricked or charmed into fully revealing its nature or explaining its teachings in detail.
Even if that were possible, it would be pointless and counterproductive. Such lessons can only be learned through living.