Blink, and you may glimpse it.
Stare, and you will surely miss it.
The more you look, the less you will see.

Turn, and it may brush against you.
Grope, and you will never touch it.
The more you grasp, the less you will feel.

For an instant, you may sense it glinting.

Question it, and you will find no answer.

The more you think, the less you will know.

In a moment?



The formula for living a life cannot be satisfactorily set out in the manner of an instruction manual or computer application.
If that were possible, then we would not be human, and Tao would be redundant! Some belief systems would prefer this.

The truths that Tao gestures toward - or gives intimations of - may be eternal, but cannot be expressed in a permanent form. 
They are not static, but evanescent, having the quality of gleams or glimmers, currents or tendencies; fleeting but ever recurring.