A great leader is worth dying for.
A good leader is worth dying with.
A bad leader tramples upon life.
A petty leader fails to protect life.
Command by listening; advance by retreating.
Lead boldly by following Tao cautiously.
When Tao is in charge, commands are unnecessary.
When Tao leads, the goal is already attained.
A head?
Of its self.
timing can lead to injury in an acrobatic
performance; an uncoordinated search team may fail
to rescue a casualty.
Disorganised management
procedures handicap the skill and ability - and wellbeing - of
individuals within an organisation.
from the same sheet' is an obvious synonym for harmony
of a team or group, as a means of enhancing
Paying heed to Tao helps to
synchronise actions, reach agreements, and clarify understanding of roles and responsibilities.