'The Way of Heaven' complements 'The Way of Earth'.
The Way of Heaven is pristine, remote, inaccessible, perfect.
The Way of Earth is well-worn, nearby, approachable, good enough.

The Way of Earth is above, below, all around.
The Way of Heaven is here and now, always.
They are inseparable, inextricable, indivisible.

The Way of Heaven is an infinite reservoir, so full it seems empty.
The Way of Earth is an inexhaustible spring; it is a Grail.
Heaven succours Earth, Earth expresses Heaven.

Two Ways?

One Tao
No discord!


The 'Heavenly' or 'Eternal' aspect of the Tao - its essence - dwells in the realm of the spirit, of intuitions and insights, apprehended via meditational states.
Its 'Earthly' aspect operates in the physical realm, of matter and energy, fields and forces; its manifestations can be understood by the senses and intellect.

Striving for perfection - in possessions, appearance, character, behaviour and so on - can often be a diversion away from contentment or fulfilment in living.

In living one's life, seek to become wholesome, avoid wasting time on regretting mistakes, and learn to appreciate how often 'good enough' is good enough.